Many Digital Signature solutions allow documents of PDF format to be signed and encrypted natively, without having Adobe Acrobat installed. This feature enables users and organizations to send invoices, credit card or bank transaction statements, purchase orders and other reports in PDF format where the recipients are assured of the authenticity of the document. Digital signing solution can also be used to encrypt the PDF file, giving the sender assurance that only the authorized recipients would be able to read the documents.
These solutions automate the signing and encryption process so that the process can be carried out without any user intervention. These solutions also provide a number of additional features along with the PDF document signing facility.
Various features of PDF signing using digital signing solutionsThe PDF documents are signed in an embedded fashion, in a way that is compatible with how Adobe Acrobat signs them. There are several features accompanying this facility.
Benefits of using signing software to sign PDF documents -
- While signing, a visual representation of the signature can be embedded in the PDF document.
- The user can select the placement of signature in the document in terms of the page and the location on the page. For example, the signature can be placed at the top-right corner of the first page or at bottom-right on the last page.
- The visual signature can also incorporate the reason for signing, time of signing, and location. The time of signing can be taken from the local machine clock or can use third party time stamp server.
- The PDF documents signed using digital signature software do not need any specific verification software. They allow the document recipients to verify the signatures using free Adobe reader 6. The PDF documents signed using digital signature software do not need any specific verification software. They allow the document recipients to verify the signatures using free Adobe Reader.
- The PDF files can be encrypted using password of users choice for maintaining confidentiality. As with signed files, the encrypted files do not require any third party software for decryption. When the file is opened in Adobe Reader, the user is prompted for the password. The file can be opened only if the correct password is supplied.
- Signing and encryption can be done without using Adobe Acrobat
- Signing and encryption can be done in automated fashion without any user intervention
- The encrypted files can be opened and signatures verified with Adobe Reader, without needing any third party software.
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