E-Lock SuperSigner is PKI based digital signature software that enables users to digitally sign and encrypt files of any format. It is legally compliant, easy to use software that allows users to shift from paper based processes to electronic ones. It helps lowering costs and efforts, speeding up processes, going paperless and achieving security and non-repudiation of documents.
This software is ideal of users who want to sign files from their desktop/ laptops, anywhere, anytime. It can sign files in PKCS#7 compliant manner using digital signature certificates issued by certifying authorities (CA). It supports digital certificates either on e-tokens or soft copy formats.
E-Lock Technologies 209/1B/1A Range Hills Rd,
Corporate Office Address
Pune, Maharashtra - India
Sales / Inquiry: +91 9881096687
Technical Support: +91 7263087011
Email: info@elock.com