E-authentication is a process that is closely related to identification. For any electronic transaction, it is essential to have a robust authentication process to maintain security and trust. The authentication process ensures that the information exchanged lands into the desired person’s account, guaranteeing data safety and integrity. In today’s scenario, having infrastructure to support e-authentication is at the core of successful e-governance.
Any organization (government or private) needs to streamline its critical information exchange, and hence, an e-authentication comes into effect. Safer transactions invite more customers, and a larger customer-base translates into new business opportunities.
E-Lock digital signature solutions/products offer e-authentication services that allow users to access government services online using login IDs (identity credentials). With our solutions, users can provide information, review and retrieve it, and exchange it through a secure gateway.
E-Lock e-authentication solutions make online transactions/processes secure and private, as the submitted data is transmitted in an encrypted format. Our solutions can be integrated with any present application without disturbing the workflow, making them efficient and cost effective.
Using identity credentials (Digital Certificates) E-Lock e-authentication solutions can:
- Authenticate access to websites
- Contract authentication for the purchase of goods or services of modest value
- Verify the identity of electronic mail correspondents
- Verify the identity of individuals accessing servers
- Verify the integrity of documents posted on data servers