e-Tendering means carrying out all traditional tendering activities in an electronic form, using the Internet. The basic objective for e-tendering is to bring security, authenticity and accountability into the tendering process. Additional benefits include savings on time, efforts and money involved in the procurement cycle for both the supplier and the contractor. E-tendering offers comparative and qualitative comparisons amongst bidders to facilitate an accurate evaluation process.
True to its customer commitment, E-Lock offers e-tendering solutions that can be integrated with the existing applications without disturbing work flow, and making the process secured.
While maintaining the authenticity of signed documents, our solutions eliminate the possibility of repudiation by the sender at any stage. In addition, the sent data can be verified and authenticated for the further processing. At E-Lock, customers not only get customized solutions, but also a guarantee for secure transactions.
E-Lock FormSeal is an ideal choice for e-tendering functionalities. The solution supports the signing of HTML and Oracle forms. Currently, Robins Air Force uses E-Lock ProSigner in its e-tendering process. ProSigner has been used to sign the forms digitally and to verify and authenticate the information received by the supplier to give them a tender approval.
E-Lock Technologies 209/1B/1A Range Hills Rd,
Corporate Office Address
Pune, Maharashtra - India
Sales / Inquiry: +91 9881096687
Technical Support: +91 7263087011
Email: info@elock.com